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Want a Fitness Program that you believe in & delivers results? 

We Build and Maintain Fitness Programs delivered through our App and keep you engaged with weekly check ins!

  • Made for You: After an at home fitness and movement assessment we can use that information to build you an effective workout program! 

  • Support & Accountability: Unlimited text message support when you need it! 

  • Workout Progression for Results: Avoid plateaus with our workout progression methods to keep seeing consistent results. 

What is Online Personal Training?  

Schedules are tight these days and sometimes it's difficult to stick with a standing workout time. Workout on your own time! With this form of training you'll get your entire program upfront and we will be around for questions, accountability, form issues, and training concepts when you need it. 

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Our Training App is a tool for more accountability, support, and organization!  

We program 4-6 Weeks in advance, from here we will see how you progress and can make changes based on your overall exertion. You'll have an easy to follow schedule, list of workouts, and even demonstration videos. Once you rate your workouts upon completion we make the changes needed to keep them productive. 

I Started in this industry 15 years ago, and I still learn new things each week! 

That's how fast this industry changes, it's easy to stay stuck in a rut or get outside your comfort zone. I spend a few hours each week researching and trying new concepts to keep my clients in front of the best concepts and techniques. My biggest goal is to add the biggest variable you're missing to get the most out of your workouts! Let's have a discovery call to find out what we can do for you! 

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